Monday, March 9, 2009

Something to Think About...

This semester in school I am taking a philosophy class, and it has made me start thinking more. I mean, I already thought a lot about everything, but now it's deeper. I would like to pose a few questions or parcels of thought. Feel free to comment if you'd like.

- What makes time what it is?  If time has no meaning to God, then is time only a construct of man? What would life be like without time?
- If there are other sentient beings in the universe, how much like us would they be? Language, dress, transportation, politics, religion, etc.
- There is no man-made global warming. Earth is just following it's own cycle that it has for millions of years.
- Quantum Mechanics, along with Quantum Entanglement, may explain the unexplainable: ESP, clairvoyance, twin/relational telepathy, and even distance healing.
- Does everyone see colors the same? Or do all of our brains interpret all this visual input differently?  If everyone's brain is different like a fingerprint, then I don't see why not.

Let me know your thoughts...